Friday, July 17, 2020

Evil Clown!

The election is still about 4 months away but the polls are not looking good for the current administration.  Polls have gotten a bad reputation in the last few years for getting 2016 wrong.

They really weren't that wrong, there was margins of errors and undecided voters who account for the differences.  Still polls are complex and a lot of people simply argue that they got it wrong" and believe they will again.

They might but the real danger is that people will believe them and decide they can ease off.  That may have been the reason we got the orange haired clown as President in the first place.

It is also the reason that his odds of getting a second term were always slim.

He like to look at the map of america with the red states and blue states colored in and talk about his landslide.  Probably an appropriate term since he did carry states with a lot of land vs those with a lot of people.

Yes he won some high population states but the middle of the country is more acreage than populaton.

He lost the popular vote by almost 3 million and it wasn't related to voter fraud.

He had some appeal to working class white Americans who felt their place in the country was slipping.  I grew up with those people and I still know a lot of them who continue to support him.  Even they realize he is flawed but they think the Democrats will end them, so to speak.  

Its about a type of racism that is almost instinctive.  They see a diverse America as one hostile to them.  They don't consider themselves racist and many of them served side by side with minorities in the Army or worked with them but lets be clear, culturally not so much.

The real issue is simply that to them they think the minorities need to become them, and a few have.  Those that maintain a different culture, a different language or other differences strike them as a threat.  

If you go overseas you almost immediately realize how all Americans are united in what we believe and our culture.  However here the differences seem monumental.

Recently with some of the examples of how police treat blacks differently I think there is a bit more understanding of why the differences. exist.  

That and another simple factor is that the demographics are not in his favor, older white voters decrease over time.

Still I like to believe that the last election was a fluke swayed by people who never thought the clown could win.  Now people are aware that votes do matter and the clown is malevolent.

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