Wednesday, July 29, 2020


Its hard to say how many additional cases will be created if the schools re-open this fall.  It might be true that the children themselves won't have serious symptomatic cases,although some will, but they will infect others in their family.

The research on this disease is ongoing but we do know it is a highly infectious coronavirus.  This is a relative of the cold virus, also a coronavirus and we know that cold season and back to school season have a long relationship.

School days are long and exposure is widespread.  Besides classes there is recess, lunch and general interaction.  Some shar buses to and from school.

It would be impossible to assure that everybody was virus free and while you can try to enforce protective measures we can't get many adults to follow those.

There is a train of thought that accepts that the virus is going to spread widely among the population and while we may develop a vaccine it may not be permanent in its effectiveness.  We never developed a cold vaccine/  

Opening the schools with the virus so prevalent is a roll of the dice.  It will further spread the virus and more will die, or at least die sooner.  On the other hand it is true that most cases resolve themselves without mortality, although there are also indications of long term health effects.

I would opt for the safer alternative but I can see how just biting the bullet so to speak might be attractive.

Just hope it goes off in some else's mouth I guess.

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