Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Find Something New?

When you are  growing up you tend to dabble in different things as you get bored with your latest interest.  It's a normal process that helps us determine and develop various skills.  Those of us who have to work to survive generally have to accept a job to live and if it's a good job feel lucky to have it.

A few of us are in a position where you never really have to settle into a single job but can instead rely on their wealth and keep trying new things.  It's a luxury since many of us have to work or be homeless.  

The message to find something new isn't the worst message but not what you want to hear from people who were promising to restore America to its great industrial past.  That was never going to happen but if you believed it the new message admits you have to give it up.

Americans do need to find something new although not in the way they mean it.

New leadership can help create a prosperous and safe future.

Find something new indeed!

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