Sunday, July 26, 2020

Desperate Measures

Its becoming clear that the Trump campaign is hoping to scare Americans into voting for him by depicting the election as an us vs them issue.  Make no mistake the us in htis regard are white voters and the them are everyone else.

I think the people he is trying to scare are smarter than that, but then again maybe not.  In order to have any chance of success he has to send in federal troops? to enflame the situation, not to calm it down.

By almost every account, except maybe on FOX news the buildings in question were vandalized with some grafitti but otherwise left alone.  Its also pretty clear that the issue could have been rectified in any number of ways without sending out aggressive goons to tear gas and assault protestors.

The reason for this is clearly to provoke a reaction, hopefully violent that can be use as part of this fear campaign.  It is having a bit of success but most coverage has shown Government excesses, except on FOX.

It is a bit ironic that the sitting President has failed so badly that he is trying to create chaos in the nation so he can claim to be the only one who can clean it up.  It is similar to the NAZIs who staged events like the night of broken glass and the burning of the Reichstag to convince the German people to give up their rights.

Its a desperate attempt but it requires the protestors to overreact and the public to believe it.

Think the wall of moms and wall of veterans is effective.

They should have a wall of people standing there holding a bible upside down imitating our fearful leader.

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