Thursday, July 2, 2020


I was watching a video where a man went on and on about how there is no racism in this country asking his listeners to provide specific examples of racist laws or policies.
His argument was that since there are few if any such laws (they've been removed over the years) the differences between races on things like income, education and wealth is based on individual merit.
His argument is wrong since its the results of policies that matter.  For example if the policy sounds neutral but actually harms me group of is discriminatory.  For example poll taxes disenfranchised many more black people than white people.  Similarly voter IDs will work similarly.  
He is actuall making a good argument for reparations and affirmative action.
Yes, we have built in racism where oftentimes minority people are forced to live in undesirable neighborhoods, go to inadequate schools, get menial jobs and be exposed to readily available drugs.  We then incarcerate the young men in large numbers making it difficult for them to get a good job.
The racism often starts before they are born with poor health care.
Now many if not most black people manage to overcome a lot of these issues and have a rich family life.  Its more a matter of degree.
As a group white people have the advantage in almost every area starting at birth.  Well of black people are better off than poor drug addicted white people but that isn't the right comparison.  At every economic level white people because of institutionalized racism have an advantage.  

This is the racism.

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