Friday, July 10, 2020

Good Jobs?

Where are the good jobs" of today?
It is pretty hard for someone from my generation to fully understand the problems of today.
We had a pretty strait forward path, finish school, stay out of trouble, maybe join the Army or not, get a job or go to college and then get a job, get married and have a family and probably buy a home.
Getting a "good" job was the goal and while you might have to work in a number of not so good ones, the good jobs were out there and if you kept your nose clean you could get one.
Pretty much if you stayed out of trouble and persevered the jobs were there.
I really have trouble remembering a time when I didn't have a job when it wasn't my choice.  The jobs weren't always great, I used to do some temp work in school but work was always available.
I knew people that "couldn't" find a job, but I didn't think they were really trying.
Eventually of course you got the good job with benefits and a pension.
Today its not so obvious.
The crappy jobs, not called the gig economy, seem to be more the norm and the "good" job seems hard to find.
They just don't offer the type of benefits and pensions they used to.
The cost of providing health insurance has escalated and most companies have tried to control the cost by reducing their offerings, increasing deductibles and co-pays.   Pensions have transitioned to 401Ks generally and unfortunately too many don't participate like they should.
Most Western countries have solved this by nationalizing health insurance and to a large extent pensions. It makes every job a good job to some extent.
WE are gong to have to figure it out sooner or later but meanwhile we have a lot of people living in the gig economy without a real safety net.

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