Monday, July 20, 2020

Protest or ??

We had dueling protests in my town yesterday, the main one was for Blue Lives Matter the counter one was for Black Lives Matter although the group had a more comprehensive name.

It was a very hot and humid day but about 250 showed up to support Blue lives and 50 showed up to I think yell at them.  It may be irrelevant but back in the days of using fountain pens my favorite ink was blue-black ink, they got along so well.

Still the people who supported Blue Lives Matter apparently believe that is in doubt.  Its one of those things that we see nowadays when the radical right wants to counter Americans who are protesting for equal treatment.

What is even stranger is that the radical right argues that they need guns to fight the forces of oppression if the authorities abuse it.  Who would represent those forces. the Police?

The radical right seems to think those forces are things like public health officials or minorities who want not to be killed for nothing.  Especially when not armed, in restraints, and not committing a crime.

I support the police but I don't support abuse.  If the situation is such that they need to subdue a suspect they need to use appropriate measures.  Just don't kill suspects already restrained.  I can't see how that is justified.

If you think about situations involving law enforcement in this country it just seems like too many take an us versus them approach.  Police vs Criminals might be acceptable but if you equate criminal with the color of someone's skin its a problem.  

The problem may lie deeper since in many cases the poorest and most crime ridden neighborhoods may be primarily minority ones. The people living there are still our fellow citizens and they are entitled to the full protection of the law.  

Well the protests seemed to go well and cars driving by liked to honk their support. The main danger was probably heat stoke although a lot of the Blue lives people didn't seem to have masks on.  Seems like a different issue though.

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