Thursday, July 9, 2020

Take Precautions

The numbers of new cases has been setting records every day it seems.  There was a short period, based on the declines in the early states like New York and New Jersey that seemed to offer hope.
However, because the virus was primarily attacking large cities much of the country ws hardly afflicted and with the encouragement of the Administration decided to reopen.
When they decided the virus was a Democratic hoax, despite the worldwide  statistics,they failed to use prevention like mask wearing or social distancing.  This coincided with the protests over police brutality and Black Lives Matter.
The few things we pretty much know about how the infection spreads is that it spreads indoors faster, it can spread in our aerosols, that it can live on some surfaces for a fairly long time but that isn't a major cause of infection (or so it seems).
If you wear a mask and can avoid touching your face with your hands before you desanitize or wash them you improve your chances a lot. 
If you don't you become a likely victim.
The good news, if you want to call it that, is that the average age of infection has decreased as younger people act more rashly.  They are more likely to survive the virus and we haven't seen deaths rise proportionately to cases.  They still might but not at the same ratio as previously.
The simple fact is that following simple preventative measures can make a big difference.  If you don't wasn't to do that you become a risk to other and may be refused entrance to areas where other people are.
.Its still a public health crisis that has killed a lot of people already and will kill more.
Its just how many that is the issue?

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