Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Protest is Patriotic

You see people, including our clueless President upset because an athlete does something to express how he feels about a particular issue, say Black Lives Matter accuse that athlete of not being patriotic?  This would only be true if the brutality shown to unarmed black men and women by some police was patriotic.

Since the victims are American citizens it seems extremely patriotic to stop such abuse.

Similarly in response to some protests that include demands to "defund" the police we see people gather to support the Blue and call it patriotic?  Support the funding or just feel like your taking the other side?  Funding, taxes and all things political in this nation are subject to de bate so when someone so it is very patriotic to challenge funding.  The other position is also patriotic.

Patriotism is best defined as love of country.  It is also a desire to make your country the best it can be.  If your country is doing something unjust it is not patriotic to dimply accept it.  Blind allegiance serves no ones interests. 

There seem to be a fair number of people in this country who define patriotism as what they support..  That is not patriotism that is self interest.  Patriotism is wanting to protect and improve the country.  

Certainly one can argue about what is better or about methods.  That is in fact patriotic.

Each of us has a duty to make the country better, not worse.  

That includes protesting the bad.  Its your patriotic duty.

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