Saturday, July 25, 2020

Killing Americans

There is no way to view the current situation as anything but a major failure.  After 6 months we are seeing an explosion of cases and deaths.

It should be no surprise considering the gross incompetence of the President.  It's very hard to point to a real accomplishment.  The economy was inherited from his predecessor and maybe you can view his court appointments as something although even there it hasn't resulted in a major change, at least yet.

He managed to lose the majority in the house, demoralize much of the Republican party, build very little wall, antagonize our allies, provide significant aid and comfort to our enemies, 

Trade was just smoke and mirrors, and the tax cut made no significant increase in investments but did increase the deficit and national debt.

Failure after failure so when he was faced with an actual crises he failed again.  The only thing he has ever done well is hide, lie about success, and hope someone saves his ass.  Of course since his father died no one is saving him.  People mistakingly listen to him.  

He has risen well past the level of his incompetence and it has killed Americans.  More will die since the crisis is not over.   

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