Sunday, July 19, 2020

Save Lives, Maybe Your Own

In order for any virus to infect you it has to reach you.  So he first line of defense is simply to avoid anyone who might have it.  This is difficult since many of the people who have it and can spread it show no symptons.

Its also possible that you can be infected by touching an object that an infected person has touched.  This does not seem to be a primary source of infection with Covid 19 although it has been with some other ones.

To infect you it has to enter your respirtory system which normally involves your nose and mouth.  You can avoid infection by avoiding other people completely, disinfecting anything an infected person might have touched and not breathing air they expelled.

The last of these can be accomplished via use of a mask.  If all infected or potentially infected people also wear masks, the amount of virus transmission to the air and to surfaces would be significantly reduced.  

This would stop virus transmission and is as effective as social distancing in reducing spread.

We see many countries which have apparently gotten the virus under control.  It is of course possible that they may see a resurgence as did much of this country but scientists and medical experts have identified how to prevent infections and until we achieve herd immunity or develop a vaccine we simply need to take the preventative measures.

A very minor inconvenience, wearing a face covering when you are in proximity of your fellow humans will save lives.  

It simply will.

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