Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Where does the authrrity to rule come from?  In Europe during the middle ages authority was a top down situation as Kings and the Church exercised God given authority over the people.

In simplistic terms this took place as the War leader of Germanic tribes conquered parts of the Roman empire and became dynastic rulers.  The church formed an alliance with them since it perpetrated its power and prestige.

This of course has changed almost everywhere but when this country was founded it was an important doctrine to reject that view and say power originated with the people.  

We are a Government of the people, for the people and by the people.  

Fine words but not always followed.

This issue effectively led to the Civil War although it really was fought over Slavery.  Southern States wanted to keep it and when a Republican Abolitionist was elected they felt it was time to leave.

The question of whether they could leave or not was decided after a brutal civil war.  If you are a fan of alternate history what would have happened had the South not attacked Federal Institutions in their States?

Would discussions and negotiations have led to secession or a reunification compromise?  We will of course never know.

Still if authority rests with the people, at what point can the Federal Government or for that matter a State Government intervene in local matters in a place like Portland?

We see a similar argument as Trump maintains he has to protect Federal Property in Portland but of course his detaining of citizens seems unrelated to that.   

He is a member of the party that claims to represent State's rights but has decided to impose a Federal presence where its not wanted.  

Can he?

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