Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The Power Of Acreage

We live in a time when the administration has decided that they are above the law. The actions they take are not supported by the constitution and without the authority of congress The accretion of presidential power years ago The president represents the Executive power of the Government.

The fact that we have evolved into a two party system was never the intent.  The general idea was to have a congress of independent thinkers who would consider each issue on its merits and vote accordingly.  The Senate was the body designed to keep congress from being influenced by fads and bring a longer term perspective to the process.  The President could veto a law he felt was detrimental but his primary job was to execute the laws of the land, manage the Government and lead the Army.  The courts were, at this level, supposed to make sure everything was in accordance with the constitution and laws of the land.

We devolved into factions very early on as a conflict and natural alliance showed itself.  The more industrial north wanted a strong central Government to regulate the currency and protect trade.  The agrarian south wanted a weaker central Government protecting things like Slavery and free trade for their products.

The issues have changed somewhat but the election maps clearly show a division between the urban areas of this country and the agrarian areas.  I don't want to over simplify the issues, many extend nationwide, but perhaps the central one is between keeping things the same and progress.

In an agrarian world the seasons come and go and there is a cycle that you have to both learn and follow.  There have been tremendous innovations in farming but while some have improved crops (or not) and others have saved labor you still have the cycle spelled out in the bible, a time to plant, a time to harvest.

Progress is neither needed or even good. The news is mostly bad and their traditional values seem to be under attack.  They view people they don't consider real Americans with suspicion and if you don't practice their religion, look like them or speak English you are not a real American.

They consider themselves good and decent but also God fearing and those who violate God's law are going to bring his wrath down on us.  Somehow they have reconciled this with supporting one of the people who violated it the most.  

They represent a minority in this country but because the Southern States built in protections for themselves we see unequal representation for people in favor of Geography.

The progressive big cities aren't in conflict with these areas, they mostly ignore them.  The idea of forcing their diverse populations into a single religion or way of living is anathema to them.

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