Thursday, July 23, 2020

Rule of Law

When I read news articles about how certain senators and representatives are against expanding unemployment benefits I know they realize they are possibly facing unemployment soon.

There are too many times recently when I read about a percentage of Americans who simply believe absolute bullshit.  For some reason, many have bought into some scenario where widely reported facts are lies.  Most recently almost a third of Americans felt the Coved 19 deaths were overstated by the "Deep State".

First there is no deep state, at least not the way some extreme media portrays it.  Second no one is overreporting Covid deaths by calling every death a Covid one.  Significant deaths that were caused by the infection were attributed to other causes.

Since many of these people were led down this path by the current Administration, maybe they need to consider that it is who is reporting the data.

Concerning this deep state it reflects some imaginary concept of how Government works.  To argue that the political beliefs of a worker in the Federal Government impacts his day-to-day performance requires that his day-to-day performance allow for such action.  Very few jobs in Government have anything to do with policy.  Those that do are generally political appointees who are the latest administration's appointees. So why would they follow an alternate agenda?

There is of course bureaucracy and regulations that have been written to comply with the laws passed by congress.  So for example you can't just give a friend of yours a contract, you have to comply with laws on competition.  Similarly you can't hire people on a whim (except at the top) you have to follow personnel regulations.  So yes, the agencies follow the rules and if you want them to change you have to go through the onerous process of changing the laws behind the rules.

You can call this whatever you want but I like to call it the Rule of Law!  

It has served this country well.

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