Monday, July 27, 2020

Make Voting Easier

Voting is not supposed to be difficult or complicated.  Since it is fundamental to our system of democracy we need to make it as simple as possible for our citizens.

Voting in person has been the traditional method but as times have changed it has become less available to many who have to work that day or have to contend with less polling places and longer lines.

We now have a infectious disease that might kill you further complicating the issue.

Voting by mail has become more available and is widely used.  Despite some unfounded allegations there is almost no evidence of fraudulent voting in the process.

There is more chance of legitimate votes being rejected than fraudulent ones getting counted.

There was a case in Patterson NJ, widely cited by some that was supposed to show voter fraud.  Some irregularities were present but many of those represented technical deficiencies, not fraud.  Some to the ballots might have been filled out by a particular campaign but they deny it and those ballots were not counted.

Most of the other rejected ballots were simply not filled out correctly, hardly fraud and they didn't get counted.

To improve access and encourage voting, its time for this country to introduce on-line voting with appropriate safeguard.  Some of you will immediately imagine hacking and fraud but we can clearly create a secure system.

It would add another method to let our citizens vote and improve our democracy.

Some really don't want that hoping to restrict voting to just the right people.

Suppressing votes is the real issue in this country, not voter fraud.

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