Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Centrist Politics

Largely because of the lie of FOX news we have accepted a premise that the country has a liberal bias in our media and news.  It doesn't and never did but  by saying it over and over it starts to stick.

The middle of the political spectrum is what the majority believe.  It can and does shift over time but the majority view is the moderate view.

The current moderate view may have been a conservative or a liberal view at one time but now it is the middle(moderate) view.

There was a time when the programs from the new deal were liberal but supporting Social Security is now clearly mainstream.

Still we see people with mainstream positions labeled liberal or even radical liberal.

This is an attempt to see the conversation with a negative bias. 

This has tainted issues like global warming or wearing masks.  Science has been accused of being liberal.  Probably because it sale in facts, not fantasy.

The great majority of us support things like equal rghts, accessible health care, sensible gun laws, fair taxation and fair elections.

They don't represent a radical agenda, they are American as Apple pie.

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