Thursday, August 13, 2020

Back to School Corona

 Children returning to school are getting infected with viruses including Covid 19.  They always do which may really be the reason why the cold and flu season generally coincides with back to school.

Statistics indicate children generally do well when they get the virus but that's a general statement, not a universal one.  Some will get very sick and die.

Possibly the bigger issue is whether they will transmit the infections home, and they will.

Especially early on before they show symptoms but even after.

They are children and many of them are not going to self isolate.  

Its a question of risk versus reward.  Is in-person education worth the risk.  It might be, I don't really see any evidence one way or the other.  The advantages of in-person learning are more than the educational benefit.

It re-employs the entire school structure, provides lunches to many and allows parents to return to work in some situations.

These are the main reasons it is being pushed by the administration, not the learning difference, if there really is any.

Certainly remote learning is a different experience but not necessarily a worse one.  Much of that depends on the home environment so it obviously would vary a lot.

Many schools are reopening but the early indicators aren't that great as we see outbreaks associated with that.

What the statistics do tell us is that the infected children will die at the lowest rate.  Their parents at a higher rate and grandparents and great grandparents at the highest rate.

is that better than another semester or year of safety?

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