Sunday, August 9, 2020

Lies and Outrage

 The current President lies a lot.  He lies so much that many have simply gotten used to it, and don't call him on it.

The other night he told one of his common lies about the Veteran's Choice program where he took credit for passing a law that was signed two years before he became President.  He did sign a revision to that law, a fairly minor one, but not the law itself.

His lie was so bald faced that most reporters simply ignore it, but this time one of them called him on it.  He walked our of the Press Conference instead of answering.

This shows me he actually knows he is lying and doesn't like it pointed our.

Every lie should be pointed out every time.

Let him walk out, better then having him spewing lies.

When he tells a lie and it gets reported the next day in the press he dismisses it as fake news.  So don't wait.

Make him be honest.  Certainly demanding a truthful answer is everyone's right.  

Lying by the President of the United States is an outrage and a violation of his office. 

We need to be outraged instead of acting like it is just him being him.

He might act like one, but he isn't a toddler.

He's the President.

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