Monday, August 3, 2020

Keep Him in the Spotlight

It's obviously true everywhere but it's maybe most true on the streets of any big city, say New York.  With so many people there are a lot of people in it for the short term.  So they are transaction based, meaning they will tell you anything to get what they want now.
Is  that bag really a designer one?  Of course it is I just have them for half the price because I know people.   You can even bargain him down because the people he knows sell them to him for almost nothing. 
If you walked around New York much, although I'm not doing that currently, you would see the regular scams in the regular places. 
It may have changed since I was there but you had the phony merchandise on Canal Street, the hustles in midtown where the tourists were and so on.
Running a scam was not a long term enterprise and the people running it would make up whatever worked in the immediate instant.
They ever like more than when they started a sentence with trust me, or everybody knows that or ask anybody.  If you walked away to verify anything they moved on to someone new, because there always was someone.
It was similar to the people who traveled town to town selling magic elixirs to the hicks.  Just a con.
These habits are the best way to understand our current President.  He deals with the now, not the future, so he finds himself constantly in huckster mode.  Oddly he has convinced enough gullible people to believe him, that the media that points out his lies are the real fakes, not him.
I honestly never thought it would work but it did and you almost have t admire the scam, although while watching a three card monte dealer work could be satisfying artistically, it wasn't worth losing your money to him.
His election was almost impossible but it happened by the slimmest of margins because whether by design or accident he played the electoral college successfully.  I know either he or the Russians, or maybe the FBI convinced enough people not to vote for Hillary to eke out a tiny victory in a few states that mattered.
Cons don't work twice so he needs a new one. 
Let's shine the light on him, its the best defense.

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