Saturday, August 22, 2020

Government for the People

 In general I believe the Government should be something that exists in the background, used when needed but otherwise forgotten.

We need rules and the people should set those rules and the Government should enforce them, equally and fairly.  Of course the Government should make sure our country is defended but that should also be something it does by speaking softly but carrying a big stick.

Protecting the people of this country requires more than military action it also requires defense against invasive diseases or destruction by climate change.

When much of our current coastline becomes submerged, we will all feel the impact.  Similarly, as seen in the current Pandemic, the lack of preparation and planning leads to high infection rates and high death rates.

Government is obviously a system that is for all of us, not just a few like in feudal times.  It is ours and we have to pay for it.

Right now our national debt has exploded and has reached levels we would have considered ruinous not too long ago.

Its time to define what we want Government to do and also how to pay for it.

Part of that plan is going to require some reductions in what we spend and some increases in what we pay.

Our essential services and commitments have to be maintained and there are opportunities to increase income from those who can best afford it.  

Restoring the economy as we did in the 90s can greatly increase revenues, but we also need to reverse some of the giveaway to the rich tax breaks.

Its actually time for responsible Government, not this reckless support the rich stuff we see now.

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