Friday, August 21, 2020

Honesty and Decency

 Honesty is sort of self defining except when someone claims they are being honest while lying.

We currently have one of the most corrupt administrations in the history of this nation with many indictments and jail terms, accusations about being persecuted with no evidence and plain falsehoods told over and over again while arguing everyone else is lying.

I see some articles that say the America people are aware of this but still prefer his policies.  Perhaps some support his isolationist, anti immigrant, anti planet, anti abortion and anti freedom policies because they believe the lies related to those policies.  

The polls don't support that these policies are majority views but they may have supporters. 

Still when your spokesman is so deeply flawed and dishonest, is that what you want?

Its time for honesty and decency to reappear in America.  

It is who we are.

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