Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Law and Order?

 I was reading an article where some middle class Trump supporters were upset that they are being categorized as racists, homophobes, xenophobes and misogynist.  They don't think they are and maybe they aren't, but can they be sure?  They support someone who is apparently because they lie his positions on immigration and abortion and believe he can fix the economy.

They are of course entitled to believe what they believe and vote for whomever they want, but as they are supporting a man who has absolutely no sense of values.  When you lie down with dogs you are likely to get fleas.

Sadly they seem to inhabit a world which conveniently filters reality for them.  We saw another black man shot seven or eight times for the crime of trying to get into his car.  The response is that the people there shouldn't protest?  What exactly should they do since the video is pretty clear that he was doing nothing to provoke getting shot.

It is probable, although unclear, that he was ignoring some police commands.  What is know is that he was only involved because he was trying to break up the dispute and had his children in the car.  They got to see the police gun down their father.

Is that the approved resolution now for a black man disrespecting a police?  I see some of my compatriots argue he brought this on himself although at this time we don't even know what they were telling him to do.

I can imagine some scenarios where the shooting would be justified, if he was reaching for a weapon but there is no evidence of that.  

Hopefully more details will come out, but right now it looks pretty unjust.  

Is this the Republican version of law and order?  Shoot innocent people in the street if they don't respond correctly?  

I don't think it is what this country stands for, at least I hope not.

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