Tuesday, August 4, 2020

One Nation With Rights for Each Person

Its important that we remember that we are one nation.

Whether you believe in God or not doesn't impact that.  As a single nation every citizen and resident is subject to the Constitution of the United States which is the fundamental law of the land.

While we can change the Constitution it requires broad consensus, as it should.  The laws of the land are not needed to protect the majority, they protect the minority.

If everyone agrees with you, you don't need to be protected.  If you are the only Muslim in a Christian community you probably need protection.

This was a fairly common theme in Westerns at one time as you would see the heroic sheriff protect a suspect from an angry mob demanding immediate (and final) justice.  The sheriff was the heroic defender of the law, not the mob.

When I watch the news or read articles it seems to me that many Americans don't understand this.  They seem to think that the Constitution defends the majority from the minority.  It doesn't need to.

Of course I'm mostly talking about the Bill of Rights and the amendments but the entire document is designed to provide rights to all of us.

It allows freedom of religion, not just yours.  It allows freedom of speech, not just what you agree with.

It allows for the people to peaceably assemble and petition their Government for redress of grievances.  

No time limit is set.

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