Sunday, August 16, 2020


 One of my favorite book when I was growing up was the James Fenimore Cooper series about the frontier and Natty Bumppo.  He was the frontiersman in Last of the Mohicans but the series had five books in total.  They cover a period when the area of New York developed from wild frontier to settled territory and ultimately the hero went west.

In one of the books I don't remember which one, the Deerslayer was arrested and fined for killing a deer out of season.  It is explained in the book how he knew the deer was finished breeding and therefore "in season" but the calendar date in the law was enforced on him.

If you were a fan of his, and if you read the books you were, this seemed like a great injustice, especially since he had roamed these forests in all the books and clearly understood them better than the bureaucrat enforcing the rule.  

This is an example of early, let's call it Political Correctness, where an overbearing Government enforces rules on citizens that are impersonal.  However, you also have to realize, as Natty did that you had to protect the deer when they were breeding to preserve them.  Since the vast majority of people weren't as experienced as he was, you needed rules.

I feel like this is what we have in modern America.  Rules that some feel are overbearing but are needed to avoid chaos.  It seems to have gotten out of hand and what I don't see is the understanding that the rules are necessary for most.

Certainly most gun owners are responsible, we don't have endless shootouts, but some aren't.  How does society protect the many from them?  Similarly, wearing a mask is a minor inconvenience that protects others.  I used to drive between New York and Washington for work frequently and I liked to do it late at night when there was no traffic.  Speed limits seemed almost silly at times and few observed them.  Of course you could still get a ticket but the State Troopers generally distinguished between those being reckless and others.  Speed cameras took that judgement away.

In order to protect everyone the rules tend to be restrictive.  Sure good drivers can go 75 or 80 but many drivers can't.  Obeying the rules is the only rational behavior.  

The Government rules are not out to get anyone.  They protect the weak among us.  

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