Saturday, August 15, 2020

Cronyism and Corruption

The job of the President is to run the Government.  In this case the Government means the Agencies that implement the laws of the land, which are in fact passed by congress.  Of course in executing those laws there is some leeway but it is limited.

We are living with a President who is simply not good at his job.

The latest casualty is the Postal Service where, as he like to do, he installed a political crony and not a competent administrator.  Now we see rules set in place that clearly do not benefit the American people, just his political aims.

Similarly he has appointed incompetent after incompetent to run agencies and has often gone out of his way to attack them.

His educational leader is rife with conflicts of interest and clearly is not in favor of leading her Agency.

Similarly, homeland security, justice, immigration etc. are led by cronies.

Is this the first President to ever do this?  No, we have some significant historical examples of cronyism and corruption, just not recently.

In the last century we have instituted merit into selection and promotion in the civil service.  While certainly not perfect, the American Civil Service is probably the least corrupt on in the world, or it was.

This is under attack by this administration as Agency after Agency is attacked because they do their jobs instead of responding to political interests.

The rules and regulations they uphold were passed by congress and signed by President's. 

Professionalism is under attack and we all suffer for it.  

Save the Post Office and the rest of the Agencies as well from cronyism and corruption.  

We don't want to become a country where you have to pay bribes.

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