Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Beam in Thine Eye

 The GOP has turned into a version of the Evangelical world as they constantly try to point out the mote in Biden while ignoring the beam in Trump.

One would thing they would be shouting out his achievement instead of praying that they can repeat the miracle or curse of 2016.

Trump won the narrowest of victories because of Democratic complacency, ongoing negative campaigning about Hillary and a lot of apathy because many thought the conclusion was foregone.

All indicators are that Democrats are in fact energized and there isn't very much apathy despite the polls.

The third pillar in that plank was the fact that many Americans didn't like Hillary.

Joe Biden isn't Hillary and they can't turn him into her.  

The misogynist attacks are now still directed at Hillary and Nancy because they are favorite targets.  Not effective against Biden.  I guess they can attack Kamala and I'm sure they will but they aren't going to be effective vs a V candidate.

They tried to persuade America that he was a sexual predator with what seems to be a contrived story but he simply is too well known for that to work.  Besides the Beam in Trump's eye on that one is very noticeable.

Issue after issue the comparisons are similar.  Joe Biden supported programs that actually helped Americans even if they weren't perfect (the mote).  Trump has been harming Americans here and abroad with loss of health care, racial bias, environmental pollution, climate denial, a broken economy and a badly handled Pandemic (the beams).

Is the election rigged as Trump claims?  Well it should be biased against incompetence and lies so if that is what he means, it is.  Of course that's how they are supposed to work.

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