Thursday, August 6, 2020

New Normal?

Whatever is going on now always seems monumental and unique.  It probably isnt.  I'm out history on this planet we've survived plagues, wars, natural disasters and other catastrophes.  

Of course people die sometimes in great numbers but humanity has gone on.  What is going on now isn't really close to some past disasters.  Things like the black death was much more horrible and we were defenseless.  Still while they led to great changes humanity went on.

The current crisis is hardly at a level to destroy us.  It has killed and will continue to kill until we tame it but our history is one of survival.

Of course many of us are not used to being challenged like that.  There was a time when all of humanity was very aware of how we survived and how perilous our world could be.  The modern world has removed many of us from the production of our food and goods and what we see is a world where people are dependent on others.

People not involved in food production (and that is a remarkably small number in modern society) don't farm, hunt or gather.  While it was a nice acknowledgement, everyone was acknowledging essential workers meaning the clerks in the stores.  Of course the real essential workers are those who get the goods to the stores so we can buy them.

Society may have been due for major changes and possibly this pandemic will be the catalyst?  Of course this may be a minor disruption and we end up returning to where we were.

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