Sunday, August 30, 2020

Choice is Simple

 Americans of all faiths, colors, national backgrounds and sexual preferences are entitled to make up their own minds about who or what to support.  When it turns out that an overwhelming majority of a group support a particular candidate or party, there has to be a reason.

Democrats for the most part are in favor of greater economic and social equality while Republicans favor the status quo.  Is success in America something anyone can achieve or is the playing field stacked?

If you have a great talent like sports or perhaps unusual dedication and some help you can climb the social hierarchy and succeed.  The problem with this is that it represents a small sample of the population.  Study after study has shown that the best predictor of how most people will do is to look at their parents social status.

If you are born into the middle class or above, the odds are that you went to better schools, had more support at home, fit in better and ultimately ended up with a good job.  You were also likely to get financial support for your pursuits.

On the other hand, if you were born into the working class or the dependent class you went to bad schools, had more opportunity to be involved in drugs, poor support at home and a good chance of getting into trouble with the law.

Some escape their fates but it is a lot harder for the second group.

Programs aimed to help even the playing field, like affirmative action or universal health care are supported by Democrats and opposed by Republicans.

Republicans want to see the rich get richer and let everyone else fight over the scraps.  Democrats want the rich to share their wealth.

Simple choice.

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