Saturday, August 29, 2020

Big Brother is Watching?

One of the concerns of the modern age is the intrusiveness of Government.  When I was young there was strong objection to the idea of being tracked by the Government.  This was something they did in Fascist Germany or Communist Russia.  The idea of a Government official demanding to see your papers was a threat.

Yes driver's licences and passports existed but the need for them was very specific.  You only got a social security number when you needed it for work.

Now of course it gets issued to you at birth. People who in the older days were against Government intrusion now demand people have picture IDs to vote among other things.

This may simply be a transition into the modern world but there is less and less privacy every year.

Fingerprint were the big identifier at one time now we have DNA.

In where we walk and drive there is a good chance we are on camera.

Look, in all honesty I can't decide why this bothers me.  Maybe it was just the image of the unformed Nazi demanding papers and taking people.

I doubt it even resonates in the modern generation where they share so much of what used to be private lives with everybody.

It just seemed un-American at one point for the Government to spy on us.

The Grid is everywhere.

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