Monday, August 10, 2020

Time For Decency Again

 One of the issues you see brought up about Joe Biden is that he is not exciting as a candidate.  He is depicted as the choice that offends the least amount of people and is therefore the survivor, not the innovator.

This ignores his long career in the Senate where he was an important player in legislation that has lasted.  It also looks at his long career in the Senate when issues of the day which the party supported were ot the issues of today.

These thing ignore his best characteristic, he is a American who has always stood for the working class and middle class people of this country.

Democrat of his generation, were strongly pro-union, pro civil rights and pro America.  Even further he has always represented decency and values of America.

While I certainly wasn't an insider, his routine was well known as he commuted between Wilmington and Washington via train which was notable because it was so normal yet unusual for a US Senator.

Ultimately while he certainly wasn't perfect, who is, he represented decency in politics which has become an unusual trait.  He worked across the aisle and compromised where necessary to get things done and therefore he might be attacked as not being pure enough.

He was however effective and on the right side.  

Further he represented something Americans can get excited about.



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