Monday, August 17, 2020


 It seems like every generation is convinced that new generations are spoiled and lazy.

Maybe they are, but of course the blame for that would be with the generation that raised them.  Its sort of interesting that we do everything we can to allow our children to avoid the things we had to confront and then blame them for it.

Of course it isn't true, at least not on any universal basis.  Sure they didn't have to trudge to school in the snow for miles like we did, but we didn't either.

This is not a new complaint and despite the falling off of quality in every generation, we have accomplished more and more things.  We now have technology that was the stuff of science fiction or detective comics at one time.

Each generation faces its own challenges based on when they are born as well as where.  

They always eventually rise to the challenge.

In general, especially in the modern era they are better fed, better educated and better equipped in general than earlier generations.  Yes they also have things easier and we do face a bit of a crisis with obesity, but that isn't just young people.

The future is likely going to keep getting better but there are significant challenges to overcome, like climate change which hasn't been handled well by prior generations.

Maybe the new generations will finally deal with it?  

We didn't.

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