Sunday, August 23, 2020

The Character of the Person

 It's the responsibility of everyone to do what is best.

Not everyone agrees or acts this way.  Some live on one end of the spectrum, caring only for themselves.  Unfortunately they can feign social conscience but actions speak louder than words.

This comprises a fairly large segment of the population although they try to conceal themselves.

On the other end are the ones we call saints, the people who only care for humanity with no regard for their own needs.  They are rare since self preservation is fundamental to all living creatures.

The rest of us are somewhere in the middle.  I'm not an expert and there are many better qualified to explin why, but it is just a fact that each person is each person has some combination of the selfish and the philanthropist in them.

We would like our leaders to be mostly philanthropist but we tend to get those with more selfish attributes.  Its because we make people compete for the position and those who want it the most likely deserve it the least.  

What sometimes happens is that the competitive nature fades over time as a person achieves success and the philanthropic grows.  You also see this in successful business people who achieve great success and no longer are concerned with "proving" themselves or being secure.

Its pretty clear that our current President never got there.  He is petty and combative with almost no philanthropic instincts at all.  I don't even think his most ardent supporters think otherwise.

On the other hand we have Joe Biden who probably started off as combative but served many years and suffered many setbacks allowing him to mature into the decent and honest man he is.  In his career, with a few exceptions he always exhibited a caring side and it has become perhaps his predominant characteristic.

So the choice is a selfish vindictive man or one who actually cares about the nation and its citizens.

I know who I want.


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