Monday, August 24, 2020

Republicans In Never Never Land

 So, according to some polls, a majority of Republicans think the country is better now than it was 4 years ago.

A majority of everyone else, democrats and independents disagree.

The only thing that is better are stock prices, and while up not better than under his predecessor.  The markets were up 48% for Obama at this point in his Presidency and 46% for Trump. 

Unemployment is now much worse but it was slightly better before the Pandemic.  However, the fundamental issue in the job market has more to do with the quality of jobs, not the quantity.  

Almost everything else is measurably worse, health care, race relations, trade deficits, budget deficits and the general ability of the country to be civil to each other.

Very rick people got a nice tax break, but farmer, coal miners, manufacturers and most others are feeling the impact of his policies in a not-good way.

Our foreign relations are in serious trouble with the UN just refusing to join us in imposing sanctions on Iran.

Now I guess the racists and white nationalists are doing better than ever but I didn't think they represented most republicans

Maybe I was wrong.

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