Thursday, August 20, 2020

Nature, It Doesn't Care About us.

 If you think about the world we live in for just a bit you should understand a couple of things.

One is that there are an awful lot of us and more coming.  We have upset the balance of nature and there is little likelihood of restoring it.  Nature will however keep trying since it depends on a balance to continue as it is.

I'm not saying that nature will go away, this planet has been through many phases in its existence, all by definition supported by nature.  What I am saying is that the current conditions that are conducive to our existence are not guaranteed and subject to disruption by us or external forces.

We see our impact in climate change which is causing rising sea levels which will disrupt billions of people.  We really cluster much of our population along the seacoasts of the world and as lowlands flood they will have to relocate.

That is at least a relatively slow process so we may be able to manage it.

The disruption may be an external event such as a virulent virus that reduces our population.  The current one is killing plenty of people but not enough to change our impact on the world.  I can imagine much deadlier ones.  Our response to this one hasn't been encouraging so let's all pray a deadlier one doesn't happen.

Finally as our world record indicates we can see a disruptive external event.  The dinosaurs fell victim to an asteroid and it wasn't the impact as much as the winter and failure of vegetation that did it. At other periods there is evidence that volcanic eruptions can produce a similar effect as the ash and dust block the sun causing widespread crop failures.

Would such an event wipe us out, probably not, but it could be a truly horrible event which you might prefer not to survive.  

We tend to forget we are still dependent on nature and the planer for our existence and survival.  

Show it some respect.

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