Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Real Issues, Real Democracy

 Issues should be things that people disagree about.  For example some people want to regulate weapons classified as assault rifles to hopefully prevent mass shootings, others don't.  However no one in that issue is advocating taking guns away form citizens.  Still you see that red herring used by one of the sides frequently.  In fact they like to present the opposition position in absurd ways and then argue with it.

Its such a popular tactic, especially by right wing media, the absurdities are almost integral to the conversation.  Voters fraud is such an important one that they actually act like it happens in any significant way.  They don't want to hear about actual statistics because they can't argue with facts, only with wild suppositions.  It should also be pointed out that inaccurate voter registrations are not the same as voter fraud, which requires a fraudulent vote be cast.

Similarly you see people told of the danger of illegal immigrants voting?  They can't vote and would be idiots to try since they would expose themselves.  Yet that argument is made as a two headed red herring, anti-immigration and anti-voting.

For the last decade or more the Republican party has become starkly aware of the demographics of this country.  They were faced with the need to broaden their message and expand their base to win future elections.  They decided instead to circle the wagons and try to win via voter suppression and gerrymandering.

It actually worked for 2016 but the 2018 election reversed that. 

Hopefully in 2020 we can put America back on track to democracy and allow all citizens a fair vote.

Let's actually define the issues facing this country and not argue about red herrings.

We can combat climate change and still support responsible industry.  

The monsters aren't under the bed or in the closet, they are out in public lying to America nightly.

Its mostly lies and red herrings.

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