Friday, August 7, 2020

Reality and Reaction

 During an election every little thing you do goes under a microscope as reporters and others try to get a scoop or gain a political advantage.

Take the comment Hillary Clinton made, which was actually fairly accurate, about how her opponent was attracting support from deplorable people, racists, misogynists, and others.  She never said all his support was from deplorables but the headlines indicated just that.

Being called the bad boys or girls has a certain appeal and it became something of a rallying cry for that campaign.  How much it mattered is probably something we will never know, but it is still one of their rally cries.

Talking about groups of people is simply dangerous.  It seems to matter more to the politically correct crowd than the other one.  The president and the right wing radical media can talk about anti-fa as if it is actually an organization involved in anarchist behavior.  Apparently when they get market research saying certain words or phrases resonate with their voters they just keep using them, in or our of context with no regard for the truth.

It isn't hard to figure out that anti-fa is more of a slogan and not really an organization although a fair number of groups are in fact anti fascist.  Still the truth doesn't matter for political gain.

However, you have to wonder why the other side at times seems to take every little thing out of proportion.  Take recent comments that the press is using about Latino diversity vs Black Diversity.  As groups Latinos fall into a number of categories that have significantly different agendas.  The Cubans in Florida have been anti communist for obvious reasons.  The Mexicans in the Southwest are less interested in that issue and more concerned about the Immigration issue.  While they may share a common language they don't share a very common culture.

Blacks in America do generally share a common culture, its called slavery and discrimination.  This provides a certain unifying theme to issues and goals.

Every American, Latino, Black, White or Asian is of course an individual. 

Pointing these things out is simply dealing with reality.  It is what it is after all. Remember the current administration has killed more Blacks and Latinos than any previous one and at a higher rate than whites.  Sort of Deplorable.

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