Tuesday, August 25, 2020

One and Done

 So after four years of destructive behavior, the curren admnistration wants 4 mor to fix it.

That's begging the court for mercy because you're an orphan after killing your parents.

Outside of appointing two questionable Supreme Court Justices, its hard to find an accomplishment.

He has rolled back environmental and social protections to help his oil buddies and because he is opposed to individual liberty but they won't last.

Foreign policy there is nothing of note.  

He has managed to antagonize our allies and trading partners while following Putin's directions.

Health care is not better and while you can't blame him for the Covid 19 you can blame him for how we havdle it.

He managed to keep the Obama economy going until it collapsed because of his incompetance.

So why would anyone give him another four years?

Got me!

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