Thursday, December 17, 2020


 We have free speech in this country and we see a lot of it, especially from certain radical conservative media.  That fine and it apparently is a money maker which is fine but the real question is how did so many Americans get so delusional?

The same people who want the Donna Reed version of America are trying to recreate Nazi Germany.

Their leader is a person who doesn't like them and doesn't respect them but is perfectly willing to deceive them to get their money.

Its no secret, those who knew him best know he is an elitist B list celebrity who found his audience among the great unwashed.

The idea that there is some sort of conspiracy to destroy America led by educated Americans is so absurd that its hard to believe anyone believes it.  But they do?

It had to start a long time ago since it has infiltrated all levels of the federal government and can ignore the political appointees.

I gather every letter but Q is involved?

It reminds me of an old joke about how the alphabet was reduced to 24 letters because L&M were kicked out for smoking.

That didn't happen and neither did your deep state conspiracies.

What holds up this country is a system of laws that must be followed.  They don't change easily, it requires a bill and a presidential signature and they can be challenged in court.  It keeps us stable as a county but its not done by a deep state conspiracy, its the rule of law and checks and balances.

I hope that was covered in school at some point.

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