Monday, December 14, 2020

Transition Faster

 The Electoral College is going to vote today and we know the outcome will be that Joe Biden wins.

After today there is clearly no point in continuing to challenge the will of the people but that won't stop the Lame Ass from doing so.

We still have almost 40 days of him which is something we should probably need to address for the future.

We don't use horse drawn carriages anymore and while I know the pony express was amazing in its day we can transmit news a lot faster.

Couple of things we could do faster is require mailed in ballots to be counted when received or maybe once a week so on election night we could have the total count.

I am in favor of electronic voting to speed up the process but I know this will be considered risky by many.

We clearly don't need the electoral college.  Whether a State will lose influence is questionable but it would require both parties to try to win all votes not isolate some blocks by State.

It is pretty outrageous that we elected two recent Presidents who lost the popular vote but won the electoral college.

We should also do something about political financing its a bit outrageous how much is spent.  Guess its good for the economy.

No significant corporation would fire an employee and let him take his revenge on the company for over a month.

Why does the country get smarter?

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