Sunday, December 27, 2020

They Proved Our Elections Are Honest

 Still three more weeks and a few days of this tantrum throwing toddler.

It was never expected that an outgoing President would act like this, but here we have it.

Certainly something that could be sped up in this day and age.

In fact a lot about our elections could be improved except Republicans don't want to.

For all the pettiness involved, the recent lawsuits filed by our petulant leader revealed one thing.

Election fraud is nearly nonexistent.  They went to court after court and the only thing they could produce were dubious statistical models that proved nothing at all.

No dead voters, no illegal immigrants, no double voting, not real problems at all.

They almost did the country a favor showing how honest out elections are.

We mostly knew that but they proved it by trying so hard to prove the opposite.

They will still harp on it because it helps them do things to suppress voters.

A whole party trying to suppress Democracy.  Its a shame.

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