Monday, December 7, 2020

Honest News - Maybe the BBC?

 I think a lot of Americans would simply like to feel like their Government has their best interests at heart and is honest with them.

We haven't had that these last four years.

To accuse someone like Joe Biden of being radical is simply absurd.

To say that the State Officials who ran the last election participated in massive fraud is just as absurd.

We have been bombarded by these type of absurd allegations so long they seem almost plausible.

They aren't.

Understand much of this is the product of the same type of yellow journalism we had when we fought the Spanish American War.  It is not news it is unproveable allegations to sell information.

They need to be more and more outrageous to get sales or ratings to increase their advertising revenue.

Americans need to understand this and rely on honest sources of information.

Of course if you think the railings on some of these media is real, you won't change.

It is so bad that we have members of congress believing some of this stuff.

Maybe we need a news source that everyone trusts.  Certainly some of our media is honest but its been attacked so much people have doubts.

You could always try the BBC, they are used to dealing with ex-colonies.

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