Sunday, December 6, 2020

End The Undemocratic Electoral College

 If you consider the last election you can see how the electoral college distorts our system of Democracy.

In the popular vote Americans clearly picked Joe Biden to be President just like they had picked Hillary Clinton in the last one.  However the overwhelming advantage in votes wasn't enough in 2016 and it also distorted the 2020 results.

Yes we have strong geographical preferences in this country but a vote in California should be as important as a vote in Wyoming.  It isn't

California and other big states do send more electors than smaller states but it isn't equal to the difference in population.  Wyoming is guaranteed three electoral college votes or about one electoral college vote for every 100k voters.  In California with its 55 electoral college votes that represented about 1 electoral college vote for every 300k voters.

Why should a voter in Wyoming or any state for that matter count more than any voter anywhere?

This was a system designed to protect Slavery when we were founded and to this day it continues to allow for unequal treatment.

Its not going to be easy to change but that only means we need to try harder.

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