Wednesday, December 30, 2020

False Information is Lying

 Well the loss of a young congressman-elect to is sad, he had a family, but of course every loss is sad.

Maybe this will help convince some of the holdouts that this is real and deadly.  Probably not though.

In Pennsylvania they are trying to sow discord by comparing complete data with a system the is not fully updated.  Of course this results in two different numbers. Further even if such a discrepancy existed, it doesn't show how the discrepancy would impact the vote, only that a statewide system that is not fully updated shows less votes than the certified county totals.

One is certified and one is not so the one with all the votes would be the one you count.

At this point supposedly educated people are just playing games thinking that it will persuade some people not to trust the system?

Elected representatives deliberately pushing false information to the public?

Well that is where we are in this country.

Its sad and it should be something that haunts them for the rest of their careers.

Protecting our Democracy is important for every elected official.

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