Saturday, December 26, 2020

Fading Away in Spite

 From the time he was elected it was pretty clear to many Americans that Trump was not presidential material.  His supporters liked that about him, or at least some of them did because they were not successful in America.

Some of his supporters simply supported him because he was the Republican candidate but the real supporters, the ones still supporting him, were unhappy with a progressive America that didn't take care of them.  Of course they haven't done any better under Trump, lack of education and skills is hard to overcome, but they felt better about being failures.

It wasn't there fault, it was the media or the liberal establishments on the coast or the immigrants or the political correct culture that didn't reward their unique skill of be white and stupid.

They had their man in the White House who complained as much as they did about those things.

Like I said, outside of giving them some recognition, he really never did anything for them.

Still they are the only ones who have remained loyal to him and have believed in him despite the clear evidence that he simply lost, and lost big.

He will continue to be their representative and the whole delusional group will continue to occupy a dark corner of our universe thanks to the Internet.

He will mild them for the little they have while they will give their all.

They deserve each other.

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