Friday, December 4, 2020

Virus Rages, Trump Golfs

 Well we are setting new and ominous records with Covid 19 while the current President fiddles about.

That didn't end well for Nero and we already know a change is coming.

The fact that so many don't seem to take the virus seriously is related to a number of facts.

First we have the politics of it all.

Was shutting down the economy really necessary?  Its hard to say.  It did seem to help in the spring but you can never know the alternative.  Maybe had we been a country that could follow the rules we could have avoided it?

One country that tried that, Sweden, didn't avoid the virus but didn't seem to suffer worse than its neighbors.

The countries that seemed to fare the best used masks, contact tracing and isolation of infected.

Ultimately that is probably the safest course, if our citizens would follow it.

It such a contagious disease it has to be strict adherence.

That simply doesn't seem part of our DNA in this country.

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