Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The Hissy Fit Continues

Its pretty clear now that the transition from out current lameass President to the next one is going to be a rocky one.

In fact it might actually cause some real damage to the country, at least a first.

Now the opposition has reached ludicrous levels and we are likely to see a last stand objection, with no real basis, to the electoral college votes in January.  There is still some doubt about whether there will be a Senator to support it but we seem to have one unintelligent one from Alabama.

The effort will not succeed but even doing it and allowing more unfounded allegations to get coverage doesn't serve the country or its people.

It might serve to keep the current President relevant for a bit longer but I suspect on January 22 he will start to fade quickly.

He will continue to tweet and claim the election was stolen and his followers will stay loyal for a bit but he will inevitably fade into history.

Will he run again in four years?  Possibly but his opponents will be ready for him and he will certainly be old news.

No one is going to believe the Mexicans will pay for the wall.

If he was to get the Republican nomination barring a disastrous four years the animosity of his time will likely lead to another loss.

Of course four years is a long time and whether Biden would run again or not depends on many factors.

Still the idea of helping the country move on and working for the people is alien to this guy.


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