Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Stay Alert

 We might be entering a very dangerous period both for out democracy and our health in the last month of this administration.

It continues to ignore the virus and while there is certainly hope with the vaccines it is still very infectious and deadly.  Its going to be quite a while before we have enough people vaccinated to get "herd" immunity.  Of course that only means you are safer not immune unless you had the vaccine.

Its probably a good idea to wear masks in public for quite a while if you want to reman safe.

We are also seeing last ditch efforts to overturn the Presidential election.  Almost everybody believes they have no real chance but they are still dangerous.

They erode the trust in our Constitution and our elections.

There are anecdotes from the past about elections but in the modern era we have no evidence of widespread abuse or fraud.  We need to restore faith that the elections are free and fair.  Continue to make sure that is true while eliminating the one thing wrong, voter suppression.

Government should not make voting hard for people it doesn't like.  

That's the real issue we have, not fraudulent votes. 

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