Monday, December 21, 2020

Freedom is a Two Way Street

Sometimes, on social media, I see people rant about how they are still going to use Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays.  Who is telling them otherwise?

Right wing media creates issues out of very little or nothing at all and convince people it is real.

Sure saying Happy Holidays is more inclusive but if you wish someone Merry Christmas, assuming they celebrate it, who cares?  Nobody.

If of course you are the Government of a town and are putting up a display, it may be problematic assuming you have a multi religious population. That's because even in today's radical political environment you are supposed to represent all of your people.

However none of this applies to individuals.

Maybe if you run a business and send out something to customers you might want to avoid offending some.

That's to stay profitable.

We live in a diverse society and you can still say whatever you want.  Of course if you are a public official or run a business you might want to be diplomatic.

You don't have to be but then again people are also free to vote for someone else or shop elsewhere.

Freedom goes both ways.

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