Saturday, December 12, 2020

Weekend News

 Two events this weekend of some importance.  We have an approved vaccine for the Covid 19 virus and the electoral college is ready to vote on Monday.

While the electoral college votes every four years it is normally more of a non-event although it is constitutionally required.  There really was no reason to have so much drama about it this year except that our lame ass (promoted from lame duck) kept fleecing his followers with phony claims.  

He isn't done yet so if you still have a few shekels send it to him now.  It won't do anything but he wants you to.

The Vaccine is another matter and lame Ass could have gone out on a good note if he had focused on its development instead of so much election BS.  I don't think he actually deserves much credit but it happened under his administration so he would normally get some.

Of course he now wants the World to take back Obama's Nobel Prize and give it to him.

The racism in him never stops, he can't believe how a black man was so superior to him in almost every way.

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