Thursday, December 10, 2020

Contributions Shouldn't Reduce Taxes

 There are many things in this country that need t be fixed.

It has gotten much worse since the Supreme Court opened up the floodgates in political donations with the Citizen's United Decision.  This allowed unlimited donations to PACs that didn't support a candidate directly but supports political positions.

So you can actively campaign with unlimited tax deductible contributions, for positions held by specific candidates but not the candidate himself.  Well that isn't much of a distinction.  

Sure it may actually be free speech but why are we giving them tax deductions to influence out elections?

We know why the politicians support it and to a certain extent corporations and rich donors might have some quid pro quo going, but if they get a tax deduction, some of that is paid by all of us.

In fact I tend to object to giving tax deductions to most charities.  It passes part of that bill onto us.

We prohibit tax money from going to certain organizations that promote things like abortion. Fine, but then why allow federal funds, which tax deductions are, to go to similar organizations?

Do charitable organizations do good?  Some might actually do harm, but even if they do why is the Government financing them via tax deductions.  I would think that anyone making a deduction has already received their reward.

They don't need to reach into my pocket.

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